Type: Hand
Max output pressure: 700kg/cm²
Oil output: 150cc
Length: approx.360mm
Weight: approx.5.20kg
Type: Hand
Max output pressure:
Low pressure: 2MPa
High pressure: 70MPa
Output of the oil:
Low pressure: 4 cc
High pressure: 1cc
Capacity of oil: 390cc
Direction of piston: double
Weight: approx.4.6kg
Measurement(LxWxH): 400x105x155mm
Type: Hand
Max output pressure:
Low pressure: 2MPa
High pressure: 70MPa
Output of the oil:
Low pressure: 11 cc
High pressure: 1.4cc
Capacity of Oil : 940cc
Direction of piston : double
Weight: approx.9kg
Measurement(LxWxH): 510x140x150mm
ZCB6-5 (380V)
Rated output: 0.75kw
Motor voltage: 220V/380V
Rate of output:
High : 63Mpa
Low : 2.5Mpa
High : 0.8L/min
Low : 5L/min
Height: approx.470mm
Weight: approx.30.00kg
Tel: +86-577-88671000
E-mail: ceo@tosun.com
Skype: deri në energji elektrike
Wechat: +86-139 6881 9286
WhatsApp: +86-139 0587 7291
Adresa: Dhoma Nr. 1001 Wenzhou Fortune Center, Station Road, Wenzhou, Kinë
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