TSM3E Electronic Type Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

Basic Information
  1. Rated Operational Voltage 380/400/415V

Product Description


Model  TSM3E-125  TSM3E-160 TSM3E-250 TSM3E-400 TSM3E-800
Number of Poles 3,4  
Rated Current (A) In 32, 63, 100
32, 63, 160 250 250, 400 630, 800
Standard IEC60947-2
Reference Temperature 40ºC/55ºC
Rated Operational Voltage 380/400/415VAC
Rated Insulation Vqltage Ui (VAC) 800
Rated Impluse Withstand Voltage Uimp(kV) 8
Breaking Capacity level M H M H M H M H M H
Rated Ultimate Short- circuit Breaking Capacity Icu(kA) 50 80 50 80 50 85 85 100 85 100
Rated Service Short -circuit Breaking Capacity Ics (kA) 35 50 35 50 35 50 60 75 60 75
Dimensions  (LxWxH) 3P 92x150x92 92x150x92 107x165x90 150x257x148 210x280x155
4P 122x150x92 122x150x92 143x165x90 198x257x148 280x280x155

Full Range of Internal and External Accessories