NT бага хүчдэлийн гал хамгаалагч NT0

Үндсэн мэдээлэл

Бүтээгдэхүүний тодорхойлолт


NT low voltage fuse features light in weight, small in size, low in power loss and high in breaking capacity. This product has been widely used in overload and short circuit protection of electric installation. This product conforms to IEC-60269.


Загвар Fuse Link Fuse Base
Rated Current(A) Rated Voltage) Rated Power Loss(w) Загвар Rated Current(A)
NTO 6 500/660 1.03 Sist 160 160
10 1.42
16 2.45
20 2.36
25 2.7
32 3.74
40 4.7
50 5.5
63 6.9
80 7.6
100 8.9
125 500 10.1
160 15.2