
  • In che modo gli interruttori automatici proteggono le nostre case?

    17 febbraio 2022

    There main reason why it is compulsory to install a circuit breaker in your home is that it protects against overload and short circuits. As we know, electricity is necessary for household operation. Lights, fans, refrigerators, TV and all the other appliances need electricity to work. However, the electric supply is not stable. Due to storms and faults, the power can cause overload, which can be fatal. It will not only damage your appliances but also result in casualties. In order to avoid these unforeseen circumstances, you need to install circuit breakers. It is a protective system that helps to protect your homes against power surge and many other problems.  If you want to know more about circuit breakers, follow this guide. In this article, we are going to explain how circuit breakers protect our homes.  How Does A Circuit Breaker Work? A circuit breaker is a device that protects electrical wires in a home from being overloaded. An overloaded electrical circuit could result in the failure of electrical appliances and electronic devices.  If an overload occurs, the breaker can cut power to the entire house or a specified zone. The process does not depend on the number of appliances present but rather on the size of the wires and the amount of electrical load. The circuit breaker interrupts the flow of electrical current when it senses an overcurrent. It does this by tripping the breaker, which cuts off the flow of electricity. If a fire or electrical shock occurs, the breaker shuts off the […]

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  • Come posso sostituire in modo sicuro la scatola dell'interruttore automatico?

    17 febbraio 2022

    The circuit breaker box plays a very important role in supplying electricity to different parts of your house and managing the flow of current. Because of this reason, you should always keep it in good condition and avoid rust, moisture, or damage. However, as most of the circuit breaker boxes are made of metal, it gets damaged due to wear and tear and weather conditions. If the box is in a really bad condition, you need to replace it because it can affect the electrical system in your house. It is best to hire a professional electrician to replace the box due to safety issues.  If you want to know how to replace the circuit breaker box, we can help you. In this article, we are going to show you how to replace it in a step-by-step guide.   Should You Repair or Replace Your Circuit Breaker Box? If you notice flickering lights, or you’ve noticed that appliances no longer work properly, it’s time to replace the circuit breaker panel. If you suspect that a malfunction has occurred, you should have it checked out by a licensed electrician.  If only a part of the circuit is broken, you can simply repair or replace the part. However, if the entire box is in bad condition, it is better to replace the entire panel. The size of the breakers and service panel will affect the amount of power available for distribution. If you see chalky white corrosion on metal parts, it’s time to replace the circuit panel. There […]

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  • Principio di funzionamento dei relè di monitoraggio della tensione

    17 febbraio 2022

    When you switch off the breaker, it cuts off the main power in the house. So, there is no chance you will get electrocuted if the breaker is off.

    However, if the breaker is broken or faulty and doesn't really work, there are high chances you might get an electric shock. Because of this reason, you need to follow safety precautions when working with electrical systems.

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  • Cos'è la richiusura automatica?

    17 febbraio 2022

    Progettazione, costruzione e servizi sono le tre aree principali del controllo industriale su cui si concentra il nostro servizio di controllo industriale. Include sistemi di controllo di supervisione e acquisizione dati, sistemi di controllo distribuiti e altre topologie di sistemi di controllo come i controllori logici programmabili, comunemente utilizzati nei settori industriale e delle infrastrutture critiche.

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  • Come funziona un interruttore automatico intelligente?

    17 febbraio 2022

    An indu

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  • Quali sono i vantaggi dell'utilizzo di interruttori automatici a bassa tensione?

    08 febbraio 2022

    What is a Low Voltage Circuit Breaker? Usually, when a high load of voltage is being drawn, no machine can control that. In the case of short circuits or loops or lightning, millions of volts strike the power supply. In that case, eventually, a high voltage touches the system as there is no resistance. To provide that resistance, circuit breakers are being used. How does it work? It is very simple. When a high voltage passes through an electric connection, up to a certain range it is allowed by a circuit breaker. But at once a certain range is covered, it will cut the connection with the main supply. So, it doesn’t matter what the range of the electricity is, it will be saved. Now there are two categories of circuit breakers. One is a high voltage circuit breaker and another is a low voltage circuit breaker. Let’s see what’s the difference. High Voltage Circuit Breaker Vs Low Voltage Circuit Breaker The basic difference between high voltage and low voltage circuit breakers in the range of the voltage. When the voltage limit is fixed up to 1000 volt, then it’s a low voltage circuit breaker. When the voltage ratio can be extended more than 1000 volt, then it’s a high voltage circuit breaker. Because of several great benefits, it is being highly used in residential areas. Let’s see what are the beneficial reasons. What Are The Advantages of Using Low Voltage Circuit Breakers? As already mentioned in the definition a low voltage circuit breaker has a […]

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  • Il principio di funzionamento del MPPT fotovoltaico

    08 febbraio 2022

    The working principle of a photovoltaic MPPT is simple enough. It works by averaging the PV power value so that the response is lower when the system is below its optimal powerpoint.  Similarly, a maximum power point tracking system will require a high-speed tracking device to keep up with changes in the irradiance. The maximum power point is a function of the PV module’s total irradiance and output voltage. The working principle of an MPPT controller is to track the optimal current for maximum transfer of power. A PV panel’s internal resistance is high, and when it is short-circuited, it delivers zero energy.  Since a PV panel has high resistance, it is a natural phenomenon that it loses energy when there is no load, making it essential to have a proper MPPT controller. An MPPT controller will track the correct current for maximum power transfer, based on a number of factors, including the amount of insolation, load voltage, and the PV panel’s resistance. If you want to know more about the working principle of photovoltaic MPPT, continue reading this article.  What is a Photovoltaic MPPT? If you’re wondering what an MPPT is, you’re not alone. Almost all solar energy systems have one, and the technology behind it is getting better all the time. The MPPT helps keep your array operating at peak performance. The technology works by constantly monitoring the voltage and current of the array to drive the inverter to its maximum output power. In many cases, a dual MPPT is more effective than […]

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  • Che cosa è un interruttore automatico?

    08 febbraio 2022

    Often on rainy days, lighting causes harm to us. Whether it is direct striking on the antenna or the mainboard. In both cases, serious hampering of the electrical machines may happen. Having such a high loss is not expected. The step that was taken some years ago was to close the main circuit board and cut the supply. So it wouldn’t hamper any electrical machines as the connection was detached. But in your absence who will protect your home? That’s why they need for an automated device was required. A circuit breaker is the perfect example of it. Let’s see what it is and how it works. Definition Of Circuit Breaker The mechanism of the circuit breaker is designed in a manner that for a sudden electrical load or for a faulty current, it will break the connection with the main circuit board. It simply prevents the electric machines from high voltages. It controls the opening and closing of the connection to the mainboard. How Many Types Of Circuit Breakers Are There? Circuit breakers are of two categories mainly. Those are high-rated circuit breakers and low-rated circuit breakers. High-rated circuit breakers are those which can tolerate more than 1000 voltages. Like lighting. Lightings carry millions of voltages. Low-rated circuit breakers are of less than 1000 voltages. These are generally enough to bear short circuit issues. However, a high-rated circuit breaker can control everything properly. Apart from these names, there are some types of circuit breakers available. A detailed discussion on those parts is given below. […]

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  • Interruttori temporizzati meccanici vs. digitali in applicazione

    08 febbraio 2022

    Whether you need to turn on and off various appliances, such as water fountains or pool pumps, a timer switch can help you save on your energy bills. There are many uses for time switches, including reducing the likelihood of burglary. Mechanical timers use dials and time switches to set the timing. In contrast, digital timers use electronic timers that require no manual input. GEYA offers several models of digital timer switches, each with similar functions. Both the digital and the mechanical timer switches are available in both switch and plug-in modules. The differences are minor compared to their functions.  The mechanical timer is more bulky and able to handle more electric load. The latter is more aesthetic and small. The mechanical timer is also limited to 24 hours of operation, while the digital one is flexible enough to control up to seven days a week. If you want to know more about mechanical vs. digital timer switches in the application, continue reading this article.  What Are Mechanical Time Switches? If you’ve ever wondered what a mechanical time switch is, you aren’t alone. You can even choose a heavy-duty mechanical time switch that’s great for industrial, commercial, or residential use. Its heavy-duty design is ideal for loads up to 40 amps resistive to 125-volts and provides direct 24-hour time switch control of most loads. The timers all come with OFF/ON trippers and have a single-pole, single-throw, 40 amp, or 4000-watt capacity. The circuitry in a mechanical time switch is similar to a small appliance. The […]

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  • Che cosa è un interruttore automatico scatolato (MCCB)?

    08 febbraio 2022

    A molded case circuit breaker is a form of electrical protection device used in large-scale PV systems. It protects against overload and short circuits, and its adjustable trip settings allow it to work in a variety of voltages and frequencies.  For these reasons, it has become one of the most popular types of circuit breakers. However, a few characteristics set this type of circuit breaker apart from other types. A molded case circuit breaker is a device with a molded frame, which is a specialized material used to provide insulated housing for the electrical device. The basic function of a molded case circuit breaker is to safely switch a circuit off and on. They are also often used for overload protection in high-current applications.  If you want to know more about a molded case circuit breaker (MCCB), continue reading this article.  What Is A Molded Case Circuit Breaker? If you are looking for the best circuit breaker for your application, you may be wondering what a molded case is. These breakers can handle high currents. They are made from a special material and are incredibly durable. However, the most important thing to know before selecting a breaker is its interrupt rating. This value should be greater than the fault current that will be drawn from the circuit. B-frame Square D molded case circuit breakers are high-current interrupters. They interrupt excessive current flows to protect devices from damage due to excessive current flow. They are often used in industrial control panels and commercial OEM applications. These […]

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