
  • RCB vs. RCD: What’s The Difference?

    28th अप्रैल 2022

    An RCD is a type of circuit protection that protects people from electrical shock by monitoring the phase and neutral currents and tripping when they are out of phase. So if a person accidentally comes into contact with an electric current, it will trip and allow some of the current to flow through them. This device works by detecting any sudden change in electrical load, and it will immediately disconnect the circuit once it detects an overload. It will prevent serious injury or death when a person touches the source of electricity. When it comes to circuit devices, people always get confused between various terms. The two most common terms which are used interchangeably are RCD and RCB. There is not much difference between these two terms. However, if you want to know more about it, follow this guide.  What Is RCD? The Residual Current Device, or RCD, is a type of electrical circuit breaker. These devices operate by detecting an excess amount of current in a circuit.  An RCD works by interrupting a circuit if there is an excessive amount of current flowing through it. It works with a single-phase system. The input is connected to all three phases. The output is grounded. The input is connected to the neutral wire. A residual-current device operates by detecting the arc fault and discharging any remaining current.  The connections of a residual-current device are similar to those of a single-phase circuit. The input of an RCD is connected to each phase and the neutral wire. The […]

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  • How to Select Suitable MCB for Distributed Electrical Panel?

    28th अप्रैल 2022

    When you’re looking for a new mini-circuit breaker for your home, it’s essential to choose the right one. There are a few factors to consider when selecting an MCB.  You should choose a breaker with a minimum amperage, but you should look for a higher capacity if possible. In addition, you should consider the pole number, which is dependent on how many different lines need to be protected. For example, household electricity is single-phase, so you need to decide which one is right for your needs. A reputable manufacturer will provide a table detailing the rated current of a particular mini-circuit-breaker. This table will help you choose the correct breaker for your needs. In addition, it will help you make the right choice for your home. A-rated current is the amount of current that an MCB can safely handle. The higher the rated current, the lower the risk of tripping. If you are planning to buy an MCB for distributed electrical panel, follow this guide. In this article, we will show you how to select a miniature circuit breaker.  What Is Miniature Circuit Breaker? A Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) is a device for regulating the amount of electricity that passes through a single electrical circuit. It has several components, including a bimetallic strip, a current coil, a fixed contact, and a latch point. These components are placed in series and are connected to one another. The latch point in miniature circuit breakers allows the circuit breaker to be opened and closed by disengaging the power […]

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  • How to Select a Suitable DC MCB?

    28th अप्रैल 2022

    MCBs are essential for the efficient functioning of electric machines. Both domestic and industrial appliances use them. Home appliances require MCB protection, while industries use many machines with a high initial current load.  They must be able to protect against sudden surges of electric charges and prolong the shelf life of these appliances. To ensure a safe and reliable operation of your appliances, you must select the right type of DC MCB. A DC MCB has a rated current. The breaking capacity refers to the maximum amount of current it can handle. The higher the breaking capacity, the higher the risk of a device tripping. Breaking capacity is an important feature for MCBs. Residential DC MCBs typically have breaking capacities of up to six kA, whereas industrial-grade DC MCBs have higher breaking capacities. You need to consider these factors when selecting a suitable DC MCB. If you want to know how to select a suitable DC MCB, continue reading this article.  What is a DC MCB? A miniature circuit breaker is a device that closes a circuit when its rated current exceeds its limit. It can also be replaced by a fuse or isolator with a fuse. MCBs can be manually or automatically operated. You’ll want to make sure you know what you’re getting before you purchase one. The benefits of these devices are numerous. There are two main types of MCBs: AC and DC. AC is preferred for power generation and transmission, and it is also a practical choice for precision machinery and solar […]

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  • What Is the Advantage of Miniature Circuit Breaker?

    28th अप्रैल 2022

    An MCB is used in a number of different electrical applications. It is used in homes and businesses to protect electrical equipment from short circuit faults and can be found in a variety of sizes and shapes.  These specialized devices can be grouped by type, according to their specific application. Some types are designed to protect against only one or two circuits, while others are designed to protect against all kinds of circuits. An MCB is usually classified by type and voltage. A small circuit breaker can be either type A or type B. The former is designed to handle lower currents, while the latter is designed to handle high currents. These breakers can be used in homes, as well as commercial applications. However, the type C MCBs are best suited for high inductive loads. If you’re looking for a breaker for your business, you should make sure it’s rated for your use. There are many advantages of using a miniature circuit breaker. If you want to know more about this device, follow this article. What Is A Miniature Circuit Breaker? The name MCB comes from the fact that it automatically protects an electrical circuit from damage. MCB stands for miniature circuit breaker. As the name goes, it is a small or miniature circuit breaker that helps to protect against overcurrent. This device senses excess current and breaks the circuit immediately. This safety feature is very important in industrial and commercial environments, where a small number of fuses can cause a large fire. These devices […]

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  • What Is the Latest Generation of Circuit Breakers Called?

    28th अप्रैल 2022

    If you’re wondering about circuit breakers, this article will tell you what they are and how they work. There are different types of circuit breakers. High-voltage circuit breakers are designed to protect high-voltage lines from overcurrents. This type of breaker is complex, so it’s used in power transmission lines.  Low-voltage circuit breakers are designed for household use, and they monitor medium-voltage circuits with protective relays. Circuit breakers can be categorized according to their capacity. Small circuit breakers are designed to protect single household appliances and are often used for electrical installations.  Larger ones are designed for high-voltage circuits. Depending on the capacity, they can be classified into groups. There are old as well as modern circuit breakers in the market. If you want to know about the latest generation of circuit breakers, follow this guide. What Is The Latest Generation Of Circuit Breakers Called? Circuit breakers are devices that automatically shut off electrical power when a fault occurs, preventing the flow of faulty current from causing damage to the system. They are designed to open and close circuits to protect the system from harmful surges of current.  Residential, business, and automotive applications all make use of circuit breakers. The latest generation of circuit breakers has a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) that prevents power interruptions due to short-circuiting. The latest generation of circuit breakers is made to protect from electrical hazards.  What Is Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter? A Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter protects your home from electrocution due to a ground fault, which happens when […]

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  • Common Faults Of Relays- GEYA Your Best Relay Choice

    28th अप्रैल 2022

    Relays can fail because of many common faults. When they fail, air gaps may be lost, and armature sticks or the contacts can be cracked. Some products are riveted while others are press-fitted. Generally, the contact reliability of a relay is affected by loose contacts, cracks, and excessive size or position deviation, except for GEYA relays. Relays can also experience faults due to improper usage and poor product quality. These failures are typically caused by problems related to the coil, movement, and static iron. Relays can also fail due to overheating, overvoltage, or vibration.  Some of the common faults of relays are related to manufacturing. When relays are manufactured in a low-quality factory, they might be prone to infant mortality failure.  If you want to know more about the common faults of relays and why you should choose the GEYA relay, continue reading this article. Types of Relays Relays come in different types. Some are electromagnetic, some are thermal, and others have a timer. Here are the common types of relays.  Electromagnetic Relays An electromagnetic relay provides switching loads in various applications. Their reliability is limited, however, due to the wear and tear on the internal switching elements. In addition to contact welding and failure to trip, the life of the relay depends on the lifespan of the contacts. To assess the remaining useful life of the relay, prognostics should be used. In addition to considering the life cycle of the coil, these parameters also determine the cost of the device. Thermal Relay The basic […]

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  • The Difference between Recloser and Circuit Breaker

    28th अप्रैल 2022

    If you’re wondering how to tell the difference between a recloser and a circuit breaker, keep reading to learn more about these two types of electrical protection devices. Reclosers are typically used to protect a high-cost fuse during transient faults. The circuit breaker, on the other hand, is more likely to interrupt the supply to consumers.  Reclosers are less expensive than circuit breakers, but their main function is to restore power to a circuit after an outage. They work with other high-voltage appliances to identify the source of the fault, and they can also minimize the area of a power outage. Circuit breakers, on the other hand, protect against overheating and fires. They operate quickly after an outage, so they can restore power fast. A recloser is a self-regulating device that automatically opens and closes in the event of a short circuit on a line. It is designed to automatically open and close after a pre-determined number of openings. It can also be set to close after a certain number of interruptions.  If you want to know more about the difference between a recloser and a circuit breaker, continue reading this article.  What is a Recloser? Reclosers are electric circuit breakers used to protect power lines from temporary faults. Most faults on power lines occur as a result of a fuse blowing, tree branch contact, equipment failure, or lightning. Often, reclosers will open the circuit and retry the closing operation when a fault occurs. Unlike fuses, a recloser can isolate the fault and deliver energy […]

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  • What Is The Difference Between RCB And RCCB?

    28th अप्रैल 2022

    While electricity has many benefits, it also comes with numerous risks, including the risk of electrocution and fire. Because of these hazards, reliable electrical safety devices have been designed to protect people from these hazards.  It is important to learn about these safety devices and to use them wisely and regularly. Using these devices will help you avoid accidents.  The safety switch is a device that senses low leakage currents and interrupts the flow of electricity when other devices fail. The most common kind of RCD is a circuit breaker, which is connected to the live wire in your home’s electric circuit.  A safety fuse is a device that will protect you if it fails to detect a hot wire to ground fault. A power surge can cause a fire, and this is why this device is so important. An electrical safety device can prevent a fire or electrical explosion by protecting guests from harm. This type of device is used in most public buildings and is also available in some commercial and industrial settings.  When it comes to electrical safety devices, people always get confused between the terms like RCB, RCD or RCCB. While the purpose of all these devices is safe, they are different from one another. People mostly get confused between RCB and RCCB and use the terms interchangeably. If you want to know the difference between these two electrical safety devices, follow this article. What Is RCB? The RCB is also known as the Residual Current Device. It automatically disconnects a […]

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  • How Does A Circuit Breaker Work?

    17th फरवरी 2022

    Have you ever come across a situation where you are comfortably watching TV or using some other electrical appliance, and the power goes off suddenly? Well, it is most probably the circuit breaker in your house. When there is a power surge or overload, the circuit breaks to prevent the hazard. Instead of supplying the overload power to the electrical appliance, the breaker trips to prevent damage. This is the main purpose of a circuit breaker. It is the core part of the electrical system in your house. A breaker protects your home from power hazards when the current becomes unstable.  If you are curious about how a breaker works, we can help you. In this article, we are going to discuss circuit breaker and show you how it works.  What Is A Circuit? In electronics, a circuit consists of various components connected by conductive wires. These electronic components include diodes, resistors, and transistors. These components are then connected through conductive traces, allowing electrical current to flow through them.  Each electronic component is connected to another, and the result is an electric circuit. A circuit consists of a closed path or boundary formed by two or more wires. Each wire carries electricity, which must be connected to its positive and negative ends.  The electricity enters your home and reaches the circuit breaker. This device distributes the power to different circuits, i.e., one circuit for the bedroom, one for the kitchen, etc. There is a separate breaker in each individual circuit to prevent any hazards. It […]

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  • The Different Types Of Contactors And How They Work?

    17th फरवरी 2022

    When you go on a vacation or leave your house unattended for a long time, it is best to turn off the electricity as a safety measure. Instead of simply switching off individual switches, it is best to turn off the main power in the house. This way, even if individual switches are on, there will be no power supply. To turn off the main power, you have to locate the circuit breaker panel or distribution board in your home. When you open it, there will be a switch to turn off the power. By flicking the switch off, you will be able to easily turn off all the electricity in the house. However, you need to follow safety measures to avoid getting a shock. If you want to know how to turn off electricity, we can help you. In this article, we will show you how to operate a circuit breaker panel to turn off all the power in your house.  Difference between Circuit Breaker and Fuse: When it comes to switching turning off the main power in the house, you need to find the switch box or circuit breaker panel. Both are different from one another but serve the same purpose. However, it is important to understand the difference. The majority of the new homes have a circuit breaker for controlling central power, whereas old homes have a fuse box.  A circuit breaker has a two-axis trip curve. On one axis is the time, and on the other is the current. The optimum […]

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