TSM3E የኤሌክትሮኒክስ አይነት የሚቀረጽ ኬዝ ሰርክ ሰሪ

መሰረታዊ መረጃ
  1. የተግባር ቮልቴጅ 380/400/415V

የምርት መግለጫ

ዝርዝር መግለጫ

ሞዴል  TSM3E-125  TSM3E-160 TSM3E-250 TSM3E-400 TSM3E-800
የዋልታዎች ብዛት 3,4  
Rated Current (A) In 32, 63, 100
32, 63, 160 250 250, 400 630, 800
መደበኛ IEC60947-2
Reference Temperature 40ºC/55ºC
የተግባር ቮልቴጅ 380/400/415VAC
Rated Insulation Vqltage Ui (VAC) 800
Rated Impluse Withstand Voltage Uimp(kV) 8
Breaking Capacity level ኤም ኤች ኤም ኤች ኤም ኤች ኤም ኤች ኤም ኤች
Rated Ultimate Short- circuit Breaking Capacity Icu(kA) 50 80 50 80 50 85 85 100 85 100
Rated Service Short -circuit Breaking Capacity Ics (kA) 35 50 35 50 35 50 60 75 60 75
Dimensions  (LxWxH) 3P 92x150x92 92x150x92 107x165x90 150x257x148 210x280x155
4 ፒ 122x150x92 122x150x92 143x165x90 198x257x148 280x280x155

Full Range of Internal and External Accessories