የፀሐይ PV ማዕበል ተከላካይ

መሰረታዊ መረጃ
  1. ሞዴል TSP7
  2. Number of pole 2,3

የምርት መግለጫ


lnnovative tripping and breaking technology
Pluggable design, no need to interrupt the system when being plugged or unplugged.
A single module can reach up to 40kA(8/20us)

ዝርዝር መግለጫ

Number of pole  2P,3P
Nominal PV voltage (d.c.)(Uostc) 500V 600V 800V 1000 ቪ 1200 ቪ
SPD according to EN6 164311/EC 61643-11 Type2/Class II/T2
Nominal discharge current (8/20 us)(In) 10KA/20KA
Max. discharge current (8/20 us) (Imax) 20KA/40KA
Voltage protection level (Up) ≤2.5KV ≤2.5KV ≤3.2KV ≤4.0KV ≤4.0KV
Response time (tA) 25ns
Operating temperature range (Tu) -40℃……+80℃
Operating state fault indication Green:normal/ Red:invalid 
Number of output port 1 is avaliable when needed
መጫን DIn rail
Place of installation indoor installation
የጥበቃ ደረጃ IP20

Circuit Diagram
